Tourné sur trois continents, l’Afrique, l’Asie et l’Amérique latine, ce documentaire se donne comme mission de dresser un état des lieux sur les conditions de vie des enfants. Esclavage, prostitution, enfants-soldats : autant de fléaux dénoncés à l’occasion de la journée internationale des Droits de l’enfant. Ferenc Moldovànyi présente plusieurs situations qui montrent les terribles souffrances endurées par des enfants de par le monde. Puis, au Cambodge, au Congo et en Equateur, il a suivi le quotidien des enfants-soldats, esclaves ou prostitués qui subissent des situations d’humiliation et de violence qu’ils acceptent avec une déchirante résignation.
On three different continents, children are filmed as they tell about their daily lives, and generally speaking, their stories are horrifying. One girl talks about how she was molested for the first time in a café when she was eight and has earned a living as a prostitute ever since. A boy was forced to be a child soldier and kill people. Elsewhere, a little boy polishes shoes every single day. On the other side of the world, children spend their days lugging around clay, which is used to make bricks. The children discuss their lives as if this is the way things were meant to be. Another Planet doesn't have a voiceover to link the stories together. We almost automatically become aware of the fact that the rest of the world allows these situations to continue. 'A shameful and anachronistic state of affairs', according to director Ferenc Moldovanyi. Moldovanyi presents the stories as the dreams of a little girl. Unlike in the dreams, this little girl appears to live in an unaffected, secure world, a contrast that the effect of the atrocities only reinforces.
تم تصوير هذا الشريط في ثلاث قارات: إفريقيا وآسيا وأمريكا اللاتينية، وقد ألقى على عاتقه إظهار الحقائق حول ظروف عيش الأطفال الذين يعانون حسب المنظمات المختصة من العبودية والدعارة والتجنيد القسري...
وقد تابع المخرج في كمبوديا كما في الكونغو أو الاكواتور الحياة اليومية لأطفال مجندين وأطفال مستعبدين وأطفال مضطرين إلى الدعارة، يعانون كلهم من وضعيات مهينة ومن العنف الذي يتقبلونه بخضوع ممزق.