Au lendemain de l’arrêt de la guerre du Liban en juillet 2006, Hassan Zbib qui vit à Paris, retourne dans son village natal, au sud du Liban où il retrouve sa mère et les habitants du hameau à moitié détruit. Le film est un carnet de route au cours duquel l’auteur restitue les témoignages sur la destruction, la reconstruction, la survie, les cycles de la vie, le destin, la religion et la récolte des olives. En somme, une plongée dans une communauté blessée mais bien vivante, celle de sa propre famille.
There is a belief in Lebanon that says, “no matter what and how, a war, a devastating one, is due to take place every 10 or 15 years and destroy the country!”
In the aftermath of the 2006 war, a European-based Lebanese film director flies back to his mother’s house.
He comes back feeling almost guilty, having to cope with the massive scale of destruction in both Beirut and his native village in the South, near the Israeli border. He meets people who have lost everything but who are still capable of sharing a joke or two.
They share their stories and insight, often with a surreal and detached look at the state of things, and they lead him (and us) to a better understanding of the nature of this region, where life seems to be an endless cycle of destruction and reconstruction.
He returns to his mother who always refused to flee her own newly planted orchard. Guided by her wisdom, he will question himself, his family and his neighbours on issues such as religion, the enemy, martyrs, and the absurdity of war.
غداة توقّف الحرب اللبنانية في جويلية 2006 يعود حسان زبيب من باريس حيث يعيش إلى مسقط رأسه في جنوب لبنان ليلاقي أمه وسكان القرية شبه المدمرة... يحاول الكاتب إعادة ترتيب الشهادات حول التدمير وإعادة البناء والنجاة وأطوار الحياة والقدر والدين وقطاف الزيتون.. وبالجملة فالشريط هو غوص في حياة جريحة لكنها حية، هي حياة عائلة المخرج.