Tambogrande raconte l’histoire d’une lutte. Dans un village péruvien, producteurs de mangues et de citrons, s’opposent à l’exploitation abusive d’une entreprise canadienne d’extraction d’or: Manhattan Minerals. Dans le cas de Tambogrande, la confrontation claire et directe entre le développement minier et les agriculteurs. constitue un exemple édifiant de militantisme alter mondialiste pacifique. Ce film a obtenu 19 prix internationaux.
“ In the countryside, we put everything we have in the cooking pot. But we’ll never put gold and silver in the pot.” – Segundo Palacios, farmer from Tambogrande
The quest of Tamborande, a small farming community in Peru’s northern coast region, seemed more than hopeless: a small valley of fruit farmers taking on a wealthy foreign mining company backed by Peru’s powerful mining industry and top politicians. But the people of Tambogrande never doubted the outcome. They knew their cause was just and were convinced they would win.
Their unfailing belief was based on one simple fact that both the foreign company (Canada’s Manhattan Minerals) and the local politicians failed to grasp: the overwhelming majority of the town people did not want a mine. When put to the democratic test by means of a referendum, 98.6 percent voted against the mine. The farmers and townspeople knew that when an entire community unites - standing firm and simply saying “no” - nothing short of force can make them leave their homes and land.
قصة الشريط هي قصة صراع: ففي قرية بالبيرو يكافح منتجو المانغا والليمون ضد الاستغلال الفاحش الذي تمارسه شركة كندية لاستخراج الذهب، وشركة مانهاتن ميليرالز.
وفي حالة تامبوغراند فان المواجهة الواضحة والمباشرة هي بين التنمية المنجمية والفلاحين، وهي تشكل مثالا بناء عن الكفاح السلمي المضاد للعولمة. وقد أحرز هذا الفيلم على 19 جائزة عالمية.